Thursday, April 3, 2014

7 Tips for Losing weight by Weight Loss Trainer

  1. Don't discourage yourself from exercising and eating right by wearing clothes that don't fit. If you're a medium, wear a medium. Wearing the wrong types of clothes can make you appear larger than you really are. This includes workout wear as well. If you wear clothes that fit now, you get to go shopping later for smaller clothes and you can sell your slightly worn larger clothes in a consignment shop or you can take them to Goodwill to be given to someone who can use them.
  2. Don't slouch in your chair. Try to sit up straight and erect at all times. Slouching is bad for your back and gives you a flabby figure. Make it a point to always sit and stand with good posture.
  3. Most people would like to target their stomachs and get rid of that area all together. Unfortunately, we can't spot reduce. But, one thing you can do is a breathing exercise to help tighten those stomach muscles. Breathe in air as strong as you can and tuck your stomach at the same time as much as you can. Hold it for a few seconds and then slowly let it out. Don't let it out so fast that your belly flops out. This is not good. Try to breathe like this whenever you think about it, about 50-60 times a day is ideal. This will help you to lose at least an inch within 20 days or so.
  4. Always start your workout with a warm up of about 5-10 minutes and end with a cool down of 5-10 minutes. Your body needs to reach a certain heart rate level before it will respond well to the rest of the workout.
  5. Don't carry your wireless phone or cell phone with you. If it rings, go walk for it. There are so many conveniences in life and we always have everything we need at our fingertips, but this is obviously bad for the waistline.
  6. If you're standing around, stretch your legs a bit by standing up on your toes and then gradually drop to your heals. You can also flex your buttock muscles as well, but maybe when nobody else is looking.
  7. Call and schedule a medical weight loss consultation with Dr. Kenny & Dr. Duffield at 215-821-7336